Multifunctional - Efficient - Eco-friendly
Our belt dryer gently dries your product with hot air.
We develop custom drying systems for organic bulk goods, biomass, fermentation residues, or manure. Customers from over 50 countries trust in our Swiss engineering knowledge and experience. We are your partner for industrial drying systems.
Get to know our dryers
Our belt dryer gently dries your product with hot air.
The SWISS COMBI ecoDry is an indirectly heated drum dryer. Drying is done with superheated steam at atmospheric pressure.
The SWISS COMBI ecoFertiliser Factory (eFF) processes liquid and solid digestate from biogas plants or manure into marketable fertilizer granules or pellets.
Thanks to the low-temperature belt dryer from SWISS COMBI, Renova in Portugal can reduce the disposal costs for paper sludge and also cut the costs for CO2 certificates.
Which alternatives to fossil fuels does the cement and lime industry have? This is exactly what the Cemfuel Conference in Dublin is all about.
Wet waste can be used as alternative fuel (AF) after being dried
Drying solutions by raw materials
When it comes to drying, there are often more possibilities than you might think. We develop and build systems for a wide variety of raw materials - see the list above. But we can do more. Do you have a new task for us? We would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you in order to find the right drying solution for you as well.
SWISS COMBI Who we are.
SWISS COMBI – W. Kunz dryTec AG mit Sitz in Dintikon, Aargau, ist ein Schweizer Familienunternehmen. Das innovative KMU wird bereits in dritter Generation durch die Familie Kunz geleitet. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1959 hat das Unternehmen seine Zukunftsfähigkeit immer wieder unter Beweis gestellt und Produktinnovationen lanciert, die ein im Markt existierendes Problem zu lösen vermochten.